Tag: activism

How Activists Put a Human Face on Climate Change

How Activists Put a Human Face on Climate Change

Climate change was once understood as solely an environmental issue. Now a growing class of activists claim climate change to be a gender, equity, labour, Indigenous rights, faith, and health issue. Jen Iris Allan, author of The New Climate Activism explores these issues in more detail.

Raise UP: Rae André

Raise UP: Rae André

Today, the University Press Week blog tour highlights active voices within the community and who better to Raise UP than Rae André, climate change educator and bestselling author.

Being Fat Has a History

Being Fat Has a History

Jenny Ellison discusses her new book, Being Fat: Women, Weight, and Feminist Activism in Canada, and explores how fat activists wrestled with feminist issues of the era, including femininity, sexuality, and health.

The Secret History of Pride

In the conclusion to our blog series for Pride month, author Laurie Marhoefer shares what Pride means to her, explores the history of gay rights activism, and notes how Pride has changed over the past century.

Launching The Democratic Imagination

On the evening of Wednesday October 17, UTP joined with TINARS to launch a new book on democracy in front of a packed house at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto.


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