From the Editor

Why We All Need to Be Thinking about Technoscience and Society

Why We All Need to Be Thinking about Technoscience and Society

University of Toronto Press is delighted to announce a brand new book series called Technoscience and Society, with the first books due to publish next year. Series editor Kean Birch discusses what we can expect from the new series.

From the Editors: American Sociological Association 2020

From the Editors: American Sociological Association 2020

Acquisitions editors Jodi Lewchuk, Carli Hansen, and Meg Patterson wanted to send a message to those who would have been in attendance at ASA and share how you can contact them to discuss potential projects.

From the Editors: Congress 2020

From the Editors: Congress 2020

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, this year’s meeting at Congress will not go ahead. Instead, we reached out to some of our editors and asked them what Congress means to them as they share some of the projects they have been working on.

Isolation Reading for the Week of June 1

Isolation Reading for the Week of June 1

This week, Jennifer DiDomenico, our Manager of Social Sciences Acquisitions, has chosen Making a Global City: How One Toronto School Embraced Diversity as her staff pick.

Isolation Reading for the Week of April 20

Isolation Reading for the Week of April 20

Over the coming weeks, we’re bringing you some great books chosen by our staff for your work-from-home reading. Check in with us every Monday for some fantastic book recommendations. Meg Patterson, our acquisitions editor in education, social work, and health and medicine, has given us her staff pick for week 3.

The American Educational Research Association Virtual Book Exhibit

The American Educational Research Association Virtual Book Exhibit

With the cancellation of this weekend’s American Educational Research Association annual meeting, we reached out to acquisitions editor Meg Patterson and asked her to talk us through some of the books she would have been displaying at AERA. Enjoy this virtual book exhibit!

Urban Resilience in a Time of Global Uncertainty

Urban Resilience in a Time of Global Uncertainty

Sadly but not unexpectedly, the Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference, originally scheduled for this weekend in Washington, D.C., was cancelled due to the current coronavirus outbreak. However, we reached out to acquisitions editor Jodi Lewchuk and asked her to talk us through some of the books she would have been displaying at UAA. Enjoy this virtual book exhibit!


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